Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

Decorating done
Shopping done
Wrapping done
Baking done

Just waiting for Santa now

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wrapping, Wrapping, Wrapping

I do love a neatly wrapped gift. I think of gift wrap as part of the gift. You can go pretty much anywhere on the internet and get great ideas how to wrap beautifully.

This is what the family out of town will receive.

The paper I got at Target, it's very glittery. I have glitter everywhere! I think I'll have glitter until Easter. The ornament & ribbon are from Hobby Lobby.
I made the tags, just simple cardstock I stamped.

For the girls!

Girlfriend gifts this year are the Atom Art Bowls from Anthropologie. They have the cutest gift wrap boxes. So instead of the glittery I went with a simple wrap, twine, a spig of greenery, a jingle bell and my handstamp tag.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Week-- House decorated

This bloggin thing is harder than I thought. I have so much to learn and haven't had the time to learn, let alone post stuff.

New Years' Resolution No. 1

Get on a schedule with the bloggin' thing. I've seen a blog where this lady posts only one day a week. I think I can commit to that.

New Years' Resolution No. 2.

Lose weight and get in shape...I am going to be 50 in 8 weeks..eeeek!

Back to the blog.

I know Christmas is coming, I see it all around me. But something is missing. My hubby. He's been gone for 3 mos. working at out state. I think he's been home a total of 11 days and 5 of those he was sick. Woes is me.. Actually I've had it easy, he's the one that has been working crazy hours, away from home. But I still feel like this Christmas is passing us by. Trying to snap out of it.

So here are some post from around the house.

Trees, trees,'s really a sickness

Peacock, gotta have one on the tree.

Saw this on another blog and thought it would be perfect for my frame. If I knew how to link it up, I'd give her the credit. Thank you Dear Lillie wherever you are.

All dressed up for Christmas!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Vacation Week: Last Day

Last day of vacation and I started to panic. I've got to get more things done. I didn't do this..I didn't do that! Where did the week go?

I did get some pillow covers made for Christmas. I found iron-on transfers on Etsy from Olive Rue. I have never done that before, turns out it's really easy.

 The covers are easily removable, so 1. I just used my existing pillows,
 2. I didn't have to buy new inserts, (saved money)  and 3. Easy storage

This is the back.

So, all in all it was a productive week. Did a little Christmas shopping, cleaning and crafty things. But there is always more that needs to get done, right. Never even got to the mall this week. This year I am really going to try and buy gifts locally as much as I can. Support the little guy, plus I think you can find more interesting stuff! Although, me & my sis-in-law and niece will be at Target Black Friday at 5:00 a.m! It's a tradition! More on that later.

Have a great weekend! Monday will be here soon enough.


Friday, November 19, 2010

Vacation Week: Day Three

I am trying to get a few craft projects done this week. The house cleaned and in order, and my head around the whole holiday season things to do list. Because starting next week it's back to work and the busy time of year for us. I'll be going from my part-time status, to all hands on deck. Yep, 5 days a week. I know, the horror!

So it's a fun filled day of cleaning. I cleaned the oven in preparation for Thanksgiving. I cleaned out the armoire in our bedroom, it's where I store all the craft stuff, sewing stuff, presents. Straightened out the closet. Not to much fun, but it does feel good having it done and I feel like I got something accomplished.

A girl can't have a whole day of vacation off and have no fun. So I painted these cardboard letters celery green and then sanded them so they're not so new looking.

It's the same as the one I did for Halloween.

Then it was out to dinner with my girlfriends to Cibo Urban Wine Cafe and Pizzeria. Had a fantastic Pinot Noir, Pear Salad, Margherita pizza and Salsiccia con Patate (which is pizza with potato and sausage) it was fabulous! Then ended our meal with a glass of homemade Limoncello. Benissimo!  

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Vacation Week- Day Two

Put together an Ikea dresser for our guest room..aka second sons old bedroom.

Ikea is pretty clever how this dresser
Came in this box

 Also Happy Birthday to my Adam. 25 years old...he'll always be this little boy to me.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Vacation Week

And what a big week it is. I am attempting to create a blog. Yikes, I am scared. I have no idea what I am doing. So I am going to do baby steps, real little baby steps.

So, Day one of my vacation I made a table runner for Thanksgiving. Easy Peasy...seamed up some linen fabric and stamped some Thanksgivingish words around.